Oblivion battlehorn castle grotto
Oblivion battlehorn castle grotto

It can be accessed through a secret door in Fathis Aren's room in Castle Bravil, or through his tower. The Wizard's Grotto is a Conjurer Lair that leads to Fathis Aren's Tower (previosly known as the Temple of the Emperor Zero). It does come back, so just whack it whenever you want. The crab has the same hp as a regular crab, so it will die very easily. We are here for what is guarding the boss chest in the third level. The Cave is a critter lair, with rats, Minotars, Ogres, and Spriggans. It is in the middle of the road on the map. Greenmead Cave is a cave on the Gold Road east of Skingrad, on the way to the Imperial City. Search her body, and you'll find Sveenja in pieces, and her Frostwyrm Bow, with a 15 pt frost damage enchantment. But it has a Weakness to fire, so an enchanted blade will kill it instantly. The creature has a 100% Chameleon ability, 500 hp, and is immune to frost. Finish the Journal, it has useful information. You can meet Sveenja, kill a monster called the Uderfrykte, and become leader of the settlement. If you've played the Bloodmoon expansion from Morrowind, these names will be familiar. The journal describes his wedding to Sveenja Snow-Song, his leadership of the Thirsk Settlement, and their quest to destroy a creature called the "Uderfrykte Matron".

oblivion battlehorn castle grotto

When you are at Dive Rock, you'll find an unoccupied campsite, and find a journal that belongs to a person called Agnar the Unwavering. A short walk southeast, you'll find Walker Camp, with two Dark Elves who are Thugs.

oblivion battlehorn castle grotto

He is also a master trainer in Acrobatics.

oblivion battlehorn castle grotto

Don't worry, there are no bandits, just a Nord named Torbern. More than likely you'll pass Aerin's Camp on the way up. It's quite long a trek to get to, so be prepared for a fight. Dive rock is a high mountian on the north-eastern border of Cyrodiil, near Cheydinhal.

Oblivion battlehorn castle grotto